Wednesday, August 8, 2012

The Heart of Man

Note: This message is a continuation of In The Twinkling of An Eye.    Therefore, it is suggested that in order to receive the full benefits of these Revelatory messages that one reads or be familiar with prior message.

From the time of the Ancient Egyptians or Ma'at and the SUN of Righteousness, to the faction of the Hebrews from Egypt into Canaan, to the Christian era of the messages of Christ and other perhaps damaging erroneous forecasts of a Second Coming (In the years 1757, 1829, 1844, 18 74, 1914, 1917, 1930, 1975, 1981, Y2K, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2011, the Mayan 2012 to 2057 predictions) everyone wants to forecast a 'new thing' or the "Time of the End"!  

The new paradigm  of  change in spiritual energy now that is being grossly misconstrued is the 'shift' and whatever other attempts the Ancients of Days is channeling to effect restoration; humans have contrive that which is spiritual into their warped apocalyptic  reasoning and misconceptions.  Christ is here now! And many are still missing it!  Christ merely means "anointed one".  The Creator has never left mankind without an anointed guide to point us back in the right direction.

The Christ Principles are what was left for mankind to follow as a guide to restoration and resurrection back into the ways of the Ancient Ones. The people are not getting it! Why? 

The Christ Principles or concepts has never left! The people  are looking at all the wrong interpretations, through the tunnel-vision of those of so long ago who forced Christians, particularly Protestants to compromise to their ideologies and orthodoxy. They are looking to a fleshly man and not the  spiritual  concepts of the spiritual man--G-D! Many have  focused on the topical aspects of 'watered-down' Scripture and someones intellectual assimilation of them. 

The people have become acclimated to flawed reasoning of those operating within the spirit of antichrist who perhaps hold some worthless degree. That is to say that the degree is worthless in regards to proclaiming  some orthodox doctrine of the misdirected concepts of a dead man, rather than receiving, releasing, teaching and disseminating  the spiritual, esoteric, prophetic aspects of Scripture and the revelation of the Truth of the Mysteries!--LIFE!

The true Elect as with the true prophetic and esoteric revelations are being attacked by these so-called intellectuals with their topical non-prophetic doctrines, literal interpretations and even those Christians who proclaim to know the Ancient of Days. 

The people  must realize that those followers of Christ expected Him to return within their life time! When He did not, the writers of the Gospels and the New Testament or the Septuagint, up to forty, perhaps 100 years later began to reconcile the Return of Christ to the mindset of that day. Mankind has since then been trying to put a whole predictive twist to what the Christ accomplished even to a point where they deified the Christ-man so that they have elevated Christhood out of reach for mankind!  This is the very  Mission that Christ came to this earthly realm to do!—Remove the veil to restore man back to the Image of the SUN--The Divine Creator.

Scriptures tells us that those who 'overcome' will keep the Commandments and have to the Testimony of Christ. For the Testimony of Christ is the Spirit of Prophecy or the prophetic and esoteric interpretation of the Mysteries that has now been 'uncovered'!

What will the people overcome? They will overcome the problematic situations of the 'Seven Churches' of Revelation Chapters One, Two and Three as well as the evolution of them, which influenced the situations of today that many churches now face! 

One cannot overcome unless they know what it is they are to overcome. The people cannot overcome the problems today's church faces unless they are aware that there is a big problem and that the 'Cover has been taken off' of the Mysteries for their edification and glorification. The people cannot overcome until they come into the divine knowledge of the 42-Principes, that were summed up into the 10-commandments then again into two!  These Principles were originally given by the Ancestors, which holds the Key's to being restored  and entering into the Kingdom. 

Man's unwillingness to adhere to Reality, Divine Law and Order; Divine Authority and Delegated Authority has led the people  grasping at and making up false dooms-day theories that has distorted the esoteric and prophetic revelations of the Parousia and  a Second Coming of Christ!

"Now the salvation, and the power, and the Kingdom of our G-D and the authority of His Christ have come, for the accuser of our brothers have been thrown down...And they overcame  because of the Word of their Testimony...For this reason rejoice! And the dragon was enraged with the Woman and went off to make war with her offspring, who keep the Commandments and have the Testimony as a Christ (anointed ones)!

If then, the esoteric prophetic revelations are to be negated by topical intellectualized indoctrinated applications of those peddling literal accounts of an end of time, apocalyptic Armageddon, which the forces of good permanently triumph over the forces of evil, we must of necessity, be in a position to receive  the Revelation laid out or 'uncovered' to us reconciling them with and to god-thought! Not the man-thought behind a degree from a certain seminary propagating a dogmatic doctrine and mindset; not from those wearing a title whose thought are totally antichrist in nature but the Enlightened Ones, 'Elected' or 'Selected' for such a time at this!

If on the other hand, the exposè to that of which we have been witnesses, such as all the false concepts and end of the world predictions; if we are to accept the literal interpretations, we must then look for a real dragon and a literal beast.

So then do we continue to say that we cannot look at or see  prophetic Scriptures apart from its metophorical presentations of allegorical context as such?  

Therefore, we accept a literal revealing as an actual fairy-tale dragon. Do we look for an awfully dreadful literal Beast? Do we look for a forked-tail, two-horned, pitch-fork carrying, red suite wearing entity? Or do we, in the light of the 'uncovering' or 'taking the cover off' of Revelation and the Books of the Prophets, use the same literal interpretation or mis-interpretations used by those who has miss-predicted or miss-forecast the Parousia or  the Second Coming of  a man who already died and was resurrected? 

It is certain and without a doubt that the Divine Creator is attempting to bring people back to the reality of Truth. These Truths has been first rewritten  and watered-down to be hidden from men who would rejected and/or pervert them through their unregenerate mind.  This  is exactly what has happened. Because of this, mankind has failed to be renewed and transformed into their higher consciousness. Therefore, they deal in the natural, their fleshly mindset. Thus, they do not receive ability to rightly predict and/or forecast those spiritual things that can only be spiritually discerned, touching spirit with Spirit!

We must look within ourselves. The precious jewels of Truth are the keys of the Kingdom and they have been put within the heart of man! The Spiritual one's has been charged to direct the people how to use the keys to unlock these Mysteries! Until one comes into the knowledge of and particularly the realization of these Mysteries for themselves, those looking for a Second Advent, a Parousia, Armageddon and End of the World, will never reach that place called Heaven!  They will never come into the realization of their Life Purpose!

Advent came from the word Parousia which means being near or something is near. Advent is often associated with the return of Christ when He comes to punish the wicked. While Scriptures refers to a 'second advent', it says that Christ shall appear a second time for salvation! “And when He again brings the first-born into the world He says, 'let all the angels worship Him and of the angels He says, who makes His angels winds, and His ministers a flame of fire...Are they not all ministering spirits, sent out to render service for the sake of those who will inherit salvation?...How shall we escape if we neglect so great salvation?” 

What does this mean? It means that when the revealed Christ resides within the mind of man, which is the heart, those inhabiting the earth, will be restored and resurrected into Life!

This is the covenant that I will make: “I will put My Laws upon their heart and upon their mind, I will write them...”. Therefore, let us move on into the Mysteries of the Kingdom.

Again Scripture says, “Christ also, having been offered once to bear the sins of many, shall appear a 'second time' for salvation without reference to sin, to those who eagerly await”. This does not exactly mean a Second Coming as many see it and that of which have been falsely depicted as Christs returning in the air and beaming the people up with Him.What exactly does it mean? It means that there is a second step after salvation—Redemption, then Restoration or Resurrection!  

“Therefore, leaving the elementary teachings about the Christ, let us press on to maturity, not laying again a foundation of repentance from dead works”...but know what the will of Creator is! 

“We are convinced of better things concerning you--the things that accompany salvation! That you show the same diligence to realize the full assurance of hope until the end!” This hope is the anchor of our souls in that we know that we can go beyond the veil as a Christ.

Hope is something one look forward to with desire and reasonable confidence to know that what they hope for will come to fruition. The word 'trust' is usually translated as hope. Hope does not mean to wonder if something will happen it is to "know" that something will happen. Seems to me to be a lot easier to receive Revelation of the Mysteries of the Kingdom through restoration of  Christ Consciousness. It would be easier to be metamorphosed back into the perfect Image  as Eloheem. Seems easier to come back into the spiritual esoteric knowledge of being transformed or transliterated into Divine Union  than to be beamed up into the clouds to go to another place. 

The keys to true Redemption lies within the mind of each individual.

If  people  are going to come into reality they must leave behind the fairytale teachings and imaginations of the beastly or unregenerate mindset. They must come into the Spiritual realm and touch spirit with Spirit! We are spiritual beings housed in flesh and bone!

In order to become a Christ (anointed one) or come into Christ Consciousness or to be where Christ is one must be in Spirit. In order to discern spiritual things, one must discern them through their spirit! In order to come into ones inheritance and glory, one must be in touch with Spirit as One! No flesh and blood shall inherit the Kingdom. Catch the vision!

Hotep Light One Love! with our compliments and sincere thanks for your support 101Things I AM FREE! 101 THINGS I AM also contains a glossary of terms and words used by the Apostle to quicken ones understanding of  prophetic prose. (click on photo or above link)

Apostle Rubie James is a published author who writes under the pseudonym JEWELS PROPHET.  Review and purchase her e-Books and paperback at Amazon (click on Jewels Prophet) or the following links:


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